Quick Start

Getting started

Before you get started using MetAMOS/iMetAMOS a brief review of its design will help clarify its intended use. MetAMOS gas two main components:

  1. initPipeline
  2. runPipeline


The first component, initPipeline, is for creating new projects and also initializing sequence libraries. Currently interleaved & non-interleaved fasta, fastq, and SFF files are supported. Input files can be compressed (bzip2, gzip) and can reside on remote servers (in this case the full URL must be specified). SRA run identifiers are also supported.

The file-type flags (-f, -q, and -s) must be specified before the file. Once specified, they remain in effect until a different file type is specified.

usage: initPipeline -f/-q -1 file.fastq.1 -2 file.fastq.2 -d projectDir -i 300:500


The following options are supported:

-1: either non-paired file of reads or first file in pair, can be list of multiple separated by a comma
-2: second paired read file, can be list of multiple separated by a comma
-c:  fasta file containing contigs
-d: output project directory (required)
-f: boolean, reads are in fasta format (default is fastq)
-h: display help message
-i: insert size of library, can be list separated by commas for multiple libraries
-l: SFF linker type
-m: interleaved file of paired reads
-o: reads are in outtie orientation (default innie)
-q: boolean, reads are in fastq format (default is fastq)
-s/--sff: boolean, reads are in SFF format (default is fastq)
-W: string: workflow name (-W iMetAMOS will run iMetAMOS).

A workflow can specify parameters as well as data. A workflow can be immutable in which case any command-line parameters will not be used. Otherwise, command-line parameters take priority over workflow defaults.

Common use-cases

  • non-interleaved fastq, single library:

    initPipeline -q -1 file.fastq.1 -2 file.fastq.2 -d projectDir -i 300:500
  • non-interleaved fasta, single library:

    initPipeline -f -1 file.fastq.1 -2 file.fastq.2 -d projectDir -i 300:500
  • interleaved fastq, single library:

    initPipeline -q -m file.fastq.12  -d projectDir -i 300:500
  • interleaved fastq, multiple libraries:

    initPipeline -q -m file.fastq.12,file2.fastq.12  -d projectDir -i 300:500,1000:2000
  • interleaved fastq, multiple libraries, existing assembly:

    initPipeline -q -m file.fastq.12,file2.fastq.12 -c file.contig.fa -d projectDir -i 300:500,1000:2000
  • non-interleaved remote fastq, single library:

    initPipeline -q -1 ftp://ftp.cbcb.umd.edu/pub/data/metamos/gage-b-rb.miseq.1.fastq.gz -2 ftp://ftp.cbcb.umd.edu/pub/data/metamos/gage-b-rb.miseq.2.fastq.gz -d projectDir -i 300:500
  • unpaired SRA run using iMetAMOS:

    initPipeline 1 <SRA RUN ID> -d projectDir -W iMetAMOS
  • paired-end SRA run using iMetAMOS:

    initPipeline -m <SRA RUN ID> -d projectDir -i 300:500 -W imetAMOS


The second component, runPipeline, takes a project directory as input and runs the following steps by default:

  1. Preprocess
  2. Assemble
  3. FindORFs
  4. Validate
  5. FindRepeats
  6. Abundance
  7. Annotate
  8. FunctionalAnnotation
  9. Scaffold
  10. Propagate
  11. FindScaffoldORFs
  12. Classify
  13. Postprocess


usage: runPipeline [options] -d projectdir:

-h = <bool>:   print help [this message]
-j = <bool>:   just output all of the programs and citations then exit (default = NO)
-v = <bool>:   verbose output? (default = NO)
-d = <string>: directory created by initPipeline (REQUIRED)

[options]: [pipeline_opts] [misc_opts]

[pipeline_opts]: options that affect the pipeline execution

Pipeline consists of the following steps:

Preprocess (required)
Postprocess (required)

Each of these steps can be referred to by the following options:

-f = <string>: force this step to be run (default = NONE)
-s = <string>: start at this step in the pipeline (default = Preprocess)
-e = <string>: end at this step in the pipeline (default = Postprocess)
-n = <string>: step to skip in pipeline (default=NONE)

For each step you can fine-tune the execution as follows


Preproces options:

-t = <string>:   enable filter of input reads (default = metAMOS, options = metAMOS, EA-UTILS, PBcR for PacBio sequences)
-q = <bool>:     produce FastQC quality report for reads with quality information (fastq or sff)? (default = NO)


Assemble options:

-a = <string>:    Genome assembler to use (default = SOAPdenovo).
                  This can also be a comma-separated list of assembler (for example: soap,velvet)
                  in this case, all selected assemblers will be run and the best selected for subsequent analysis

-k = <kmer size>: k-mer size to be used for assembly (default = auto-selected).
                  This can also be a comma-separated list of kmers to use

-o = <int>:       min overlap length


MapReads options:

-m = <string>:    read mapper to use? (default = bowtie)
-i = <bool>:      save bowtie (i)ndex (default = NO)
-b = <bool>:      create library specific per bp coverage of assembled contigs (default = NO)


FindORFS options:

-g = <string>:    gene caller to use (default=FragGeneScan)
-l = <int>:       min contig length to use for ORF call (default = 300)
-x = <int>:       min contig coverage to use for ORF call (default = 3X)


Validate options:

-X = <string>:   comma-separated list of validators to run on the assembly. (default = lap, supported = reapr,orf,lap,ale,quast,frcbam,freebayes,cgal,n50)
-S = <string>:   comma-separated list of scores to use to select the winning assembly. By default, all validation tools specified by -X will be run.
                 For each score, an optional weight can be specified as SCORE:WEIGHT.
                 For example, LAP:1,CGAL:2 (supported = all,lap,ale,cgal,snp,frcbam,orf,reapr,n50)


Annotate options:

-c = <string>:  classifier to use for annotation (default = FCP)
-u = <bool>:    annotate unassembled reads (default = NO)


Classify options:

-z = <string>: taxonomic level to categorize at (default = class)


Miscellaneous options:

-r = <bool>:   retain the AMOS bank  (default = NO)
-p = <int>:    number of threads to use (be greedy!) (default=1)
-4 = <bool>:   454 data (default = NO)

Common use-cases

  • To enable read filtering:

  • To enable IDBA_ud as the assembler:

    -a idba_ud
  • To use Kraken for read classifcation:

    -c kraken
  • Any single step in the pipeline can be skipped by passing the following parameter to runPipeline:

  • MetAMOS reruns steps based on timestamp information, so if the input

files for a step in the pipeline hasn’t changed since the last run, it will be skipped automatically. However, you can forcefully run any step in the pipeline by passing the following parameter to runPipeline:


MetAMOS stores a summary of the input libraries in pipeline.ini in the working directory. The pipeline.conf file stores the list of programs available to MetAMOS. Finally, pipeline.run stores the selected parameters and programs for the current run. MetAMOS also stores detailed logs of all commands executed by the pipeline in Logs/COMMANDS.log and a log for each step of the pipeline in Logs/<STEP NAME>.log

Upon completion, all of the final results will be stored in the Postprocess/out directory. A component, create_summary.py, takes this directory as input and as output, generates an HTML page with with summary statistics and a few plots. An optional component, create_plots.py, takes one or multiple Postprocess/out directories as input and generates comparative plots.